Wednesday, August 29, 2012


It was long overdue, our visit to NJ. We needed our Grandma and our Pop Pop and our cousins. We needed to come home. We have discovered over the last few years that a lot of places feel like home. When you feel loved - the kind of love that only comes from the people closest to your hearts - well, then you are home. We have homes in NJ and MA...aren't we lucky?

So, home to New Jersey we went. We landed in the open arms of our family and lapped up every morsel of love and fun that we could. We swam, ate, talked, laughed, hugged and kissed. We told stories, listened, and became reacquainted to all the little details we forgot. We had treats that we always associate with Grandma's house, but we forgot to play Wii with Aunt Melissa and Uncle Dave. We were too busy, soaking it all in.

On the way home we vowed not to let that much time lapse between visits ever again. (so we returned 2 weeks later :) And we vowed that each summer will have at least a week booked for a trip home to NJ.

More pictures and details to come....because the cousin love was AWESOME!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

So Fast

 "They grow up so fast..."

I hear this warning over and over again. I get it, I do. My babies went to their first full day of school today and Im still trying to catch my breath. Cliche? Maybe. Real? Yes.

Im terrified of them growing up. I feel sad and sorry when I see a family full of teenagers - do they ache for the days when sticky hands were thrown around their necks? For little bodies curled in their laps? For too wet kisses that require a stealth wipe when the baby isn't looking? Don't get me wrong, it isn't all happy, huggy, kissy moments over here. Sometimes I wish everyone could wipe their own bottom and getting in the car didn't require 15 min of buckling. But deep down, I love it and Im terrified of waking up one day and realizing my kids are too busy and too cool to hang out with me.

But this summer I figured out a secret to keeping them close. A beach sticker. All sumer I drove through the dust and over bumps to park the car on our own little stretch of beach. Time and time again I watched as SUVs pulled in next to me and gangs of limbs climbed out like over sized awkward clowns emerging from a VW bug. There they were - teenagers with their parents. They didn't build castles or practice cart wheels, but they were together. Moms sat next to tweens and their friends while they giggled about boys and pop stars. Dads grilled up burgers and dogs and passed them around to heads bobbing to ear buds. Each time I pledged, prayed and wished...."that will be us."

 ps. It is pictures like this that make me wish I never had to cut Tyler's hair. If only we could live on the beach :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

1st Graders

It seems far too early for them to be going to First Grade.

And it isn't just because they start days before Labor Day. It isn't because Summer with my kids is the best. No crazy schedules. Full days of just us.

It is because I can't fathom the idea of First Grade at all. Not tomorrow, not next week, probably not even next year. They will be gone all day. Spending more time each day with their teachers and friends than their mommy and brothers. I can't stomach that. But I have to and I will...because that is what mothers do.

Their backpacks are full of the teacher requested supplies. Ella's weighs more than she does, not that it takes much :) Their clothes are pressed, new shoes waiting by the door. They are ready and they want to go. I will let them, but only because I have to.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Colby- You are 2!!

Colby G,
One day you will ask me what you were like when you were 2 and this is what I will tell you....

You are the most loveable little bugger around. Kisses and hugs for everyone. You kiss with one hand on each of the recipients cheeks and plant one full on the mouth (a little Grandpa Sid coming through?).  When you hug you wrap your hands around a neck, leg, or whatever you can reach and squeeze with all your might. It is the best.

You are an eating machine. You'll have whatever they are having and then a plate of your own. You wield a fork like a prince and wipe your mouth dramatically with a napkin.

You say more and more words everyday, but somehow seem to get most points across with our names and a point. "Mama! Mama! Maaammmmaaa!" You act out stories and make up your own signs (butter is our favorite).

You certainly are too big for your own britches - mainly from following your big brothers and sister around. You play every sport - kicking soccer balls, shooting hockey bucks, and swinging the bat. You jump into the pool, love to sit on bikes, and will sit at the table drawing for an hour.

You know how to get attention and draw a crowd everywhere we go. Your feisty spirit makes us laugh. Your excitement and happiness is contagious.

You are loved and we are lucky.

Happy Birthday to my Baby!